Monday, October 5, 2009

AHHH! Homework Again

I started working for LSI last week. I actually worked for them before I went to Afghanistan and am now trying to get back to where I was before I left. From the first day I have been reminded of so many things that I used to know, would like to know, or didn’t even know I didn’t know. There is so much to learn. This morning as we covered the homework topics that were assigned for the weekend I was thinking of how in the world was I ever good at teaching this subject. How quickly we forget things right? All I could get a good handle on was how much home study was going to be required. My instructor didn’t even have to tell me, I knew. I knew that to get where they need me to get I was going to have to really buckle down….at home. Yikes!
I guess we all get like this sometimes. We have homework from work, school, church, music lessons, sports, on and on and on. The truth is that outside of the environment where the homework is given it takes a considerable effort to get it done. Not just get it done but get it done correctly and on time. In most cases homework is being done to satisfy a requirement put on you from someone else and you know you have to live up to their standards. It’s hard. You have to plan time to do it and usually you don’t feel like it when the time arrives. So you have to force yourself to do it. Then after about 45 minutes you realize you have only been thinking about how you’re not getting anywhere. Is this just me? Studying or working at home can be really tough.
I do have a point to share with how I have been able to gain motivation for this. Over the past many months a certain part of Christ’s life has been sticking out to me. He went out on his own a lot. Jesus seemed to go off by himself quite a bit. I know one reason is that He wanted to get away from the huge crowds, but that is not the only reason. Christ liked to seclude himself to spend time with the Father. I can imagine Him in the midst of all the crowds that were yelling, pushing, and constantly battering. He also cared for people, ministered to them, defended verbal attacks in the town square. It exhausts me just thinking about it. It seems that Christ needed this time alone to gain focus, perspective, direction, and balance. That from these times of prayer Jesus would return refreshed and prepared for the next task at hand.
I can say that even if for a minute or two, giving yourself some alone to pray can be just what you need to gain that focus to get the homework accomplished. It doesn’t have to be much. You can take a quick minute alone and thank Him for something. You can take a quick minute and just focus on Him quietly. This brief time alone with Him will help you gain perspective on what’s in front you…every time!
Now to finish my original thought about how much I don’t know and all the homework ahead of me. When I got home I made the effort to gain perspective and focus. Instead of bringing in the book bag and getting right to it, I took a minute. I went for a small walk. Only about 10 minutes, but I didn’t have my phone and I was alone. I prayed for a minute or two and then shut my trap and just walked quietly. His presence was real during that walk and it gave me peace. When I got back I just grabbed my book bag, laid out my books, and knocked it out. The overwhelming feeling I had was gone. I just did what needed to be done. What’s amazing is that I know I was way more productive than I would have been.
It’s great to have such a good God that He is there when you need him.

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