Monday, September 28, 2009

Inauguration Day!!!

The first ever Crossroads Community Church Children’s Ministry Blog! Woo Who! We have so much going on at Crossroads in Cinema 2 and 3…it is time to blog about it.

We have seen so much in the past year it’s incredible. I have such a unique perspective right now having just gotten back from overseas. I will tell you it’s been amazing these last six weeks I’ve been back.

So many things; The Filling Station is amazing! So much excitement, suspense, and energy really pumped me up. We have a black light puppet team that totally rocks and a stage setup that I know rivals anything in the southeast.

I was floored when I saw the size of our Peek-A-Boo Nursery and Big Wheels Preschool. I still can’t believe how much work goes into transforming that cinema into being an awesome place for the little ones. From the hallway lights and balloons, to banners and carpet, signs, lights, toys, tables, crafts…. It goes on and on. It all looks amazing.

The entire operation has grown out of site. Praise God!! Praise God for the awesome, steadfast, dedicated and committed service from our Children’s ministry leaders: Hollie, Kimber, and Jesse…you guys rock hard! I can’t leave out Ivy, or Ashleigh, or Harleigh, Jennifer, Erica, Jared, Tyler, Lyndsay, Rob, Yogi, Brandi, Becki, Greg, Justin, Kathryn, Chad, Michelle, Bethany, Becky, Nikki, Marita, Caitlin, Sam, Mikaelah, Justin, Noah, Alex, Nia, Shelby, Tyler, Ben, Cody, Billy, Caleb and Cameron. Whew! I am most likely leaving out some that have pitched in right where it counts, or even some that may have moved away from Enterprise. For that I am sorry. These are just the ones I have seen serving in the past few weeks. May I say that ‘WE HAVE A HUGE AWESOME TEAM’ serving God each week! I can’t believe it. That’s 38 people committed to what’s going on at Crossroads. 38 people who have capitalized on the awesome opportunity to serve in the children’s ministry at Crossroads. God has provided this amazing blessing. It truly humbles me. I only hope and pray that I can serve each of you adequately now that I am back.

Why blog you may say? I will tell you why. Cause Children’s ministry is FUN! We have so much going on in the children’s ministry. This will be a great way for everyone to be aware of what God is doing in Cinema 2 and 3. It will also be a great way for our children’s ministry to get connected to other great children’s ministries around the country.

So, I hope you are excited. I know I am. I hope you check in as often as you can to see what’s up. I promise to keep it real and relevant. No soap boxes, just lifting up the Lord together with you. Take a sec and comment to let me know your there.

Pastor Matt

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